
无论你是在寻找技术, 管理, 销售或营销帮助, EASA's extensive resource library is your main place to find 文章, 书, 小册子, 形式, 会议记录, 培训的电影, 产品多为您服务中心.


Look to EASA's technical support staff of 4 motor engineers and 1 pump, 平衡和振动专家,当你需要帮助. More than 80% of members use this service, often multiple times per year. This team is able to assist you in both English and Español on topics including:

  • 电机绕组连接验证
  • Motor redesigns - concentric-to-lap, lap-to-concentric, pole changes, connection changes, and more
  • 电机绕组数据的研究
  • 电机系统及应用指南
  • 电机和工业标准

得到帮助 与工程师见面


图书馆资源 & 出版物

访问 超过900人 文章, 书, 小册子, 形式, videos and 会议记录 to supplement your own reference libraries. 

从欧洲航空安全局的技术手册到发表在 电流, EASA's monthly newsletter, these resources have the answers you need. 

资源库是健壮的和可搜索的, 帮助您快速轻松地找到所需的答案. With regular updates, you can rest assured that the content is up-to-date and relevant to your needs.

Looking for hard copies of these resources for your team or  your customers? 查看欧洲航空安全局的在线商店.



EASA学习中心的 EASA学习中心 现在是否在线并准备好提供特定行业的培训. You are now be able to provide your employees with access to much of EASA's training without leaving your service center! 访问EASA在线学习中心的价格为 12个月的订阅 针对各种技能水平的员工.

EASA学习中心还提供了新的 机电维修技术员(ERT)证书课程. ERT证书计划提供了新的, 现有的, and potential employees in the electromechanical repair industry a structured learning path to become a well-rounded, 服务中心技术员. 的 earned certificate will provide the student with a tangible and verifiable way to demonstrate to others that they have the necessary mechanical repair foundation to play a productive role in the service center.



2019年EASA/AEMT倒带研究封面的 Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors

发表: 2021年1月

In response to various opinions about the feasibility of maintaining motor efficiency during repair, 包括更换定子绕组, the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) and the Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades (AEMT) conducted two comprehensive rewind studies using third-party testing laboratories. 这项研究是2003年进行的一项类似研究的后续研究. 这份有价值的出版物解释了这些发现:


了解更多 & 免费下载 购买印刷本


良好实践指南- 2019年倒带学习-封面发表: 2021年1月

的 original 2003 rewind study good practice guide has been editorially updated, 对任何良好的实践都没有实质性的改变. 主要针对服务中心人员, the guide which is now an independent document and not part of the complete EASA/AEMT rewind study report, outlines the good practice repair methods used to achieve the results given in both studies. 它包含维修技巧, 相关运动术语, and information about sources of losses in induction motors that affect efficiency.

了解更多 & 免费下载

一次性的en espaÑol

ANSI/EASA AR100-2020: Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus

ANSI/EASA AR100-2020封面发表: 2020年9月

ANSI/EASA AR100 “Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus”is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.

本文档描述了记录保存的范围, 测试, 感应修复的分析和一般指南, 同步和直流旋转电器. It is not intended to take the place of the customer's or the machine manufacturer's specific instructions or specifications or specific accepted and applicable industry standards or recommended practices.

ANSI recognizes only one standard on a topic; therefore, the EASA Recommended Practice is the standard for repair of rotating electrical apparatus.

免费下载 购买印刷本


访问 industry-specific software to assist with your everyday operations. 交流电机的验证和辞职 软件和 EASA电机绕组数据库 包含25万+电机信息. 如何给三相定子上风 教如何在一个丰富详细的风, 一步一步的方法,13课包含叙述, 动画,视频剪辑和理解测验!



欧洲航空安全局技术手册欧洲航空安全局技术手册, EASA最全面的技术文件, pulls from the knowledge and experience of EASA's technical support staff, 会员及业界领袖. 900多页, 为您的服务中心技术人员利用此资源, 在你的电脑上或书架上. 

EASA技术手册是可用的 免费的 to members as downloadable PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections. 印刷本可供出售.  


下载 买一份印刷版 


介质原理 & 大型交流电动机的新版本 介质原理 & 大型交流电动机 手册现在可用于地址适用 IEC标准和实践. It was developed by industry experts in Europe along with 雷竞技下载ios的 engineering team. Members can now choose the book that best fits the body of motors that they most frequently service: NEMA or IEC.

This valuable instructional/resource manual is available for purchase in both printed and downloadable versions.

了解更多 查看所有easa书籍



雷竞技下载ios的 管理服务委员会 identified the 16 most important areas of safety faced in today’s environment. Use the included documents to create or supplement your own safety program. 这些都是 免费的 EASA成员. 

Take your safety program to the next level and purchase related 管理 and employee safety webinars focusing on specific areas of safety.


业务 & 营销工具

Run your business as efficiently as possible with 雷竞技下载ios的 business development and marketing resources. 

EASA offers a number of features to help you grow and manage your business successfully.



不仅仅是电动机, 雷竞技下载ios资源的, training and engineering support provide a wealth of tools for service center's that repair pumps. 事实上,EASA有一个专用的泵 & 振动专家,回答您的泵特定的查询.



EASA's studies show that in m任何 cases, motors can be repaired without a loss of efficiency. 阅读更多关于研究和最佳实践的信息,包括 ANSI/EASA AR100-2015: Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus.



Are you looking to buy a piece of equipment for your service center? Or do you have surplus equipment that you are interested in selling? 

如果是这样,利用欧洲航空安全局的剩余设备交易站 ... 为EASA成员提供的免费服务!
